The Disaster Mitigation Laboratory is aiming to establish a sustainable society that is resilient to disasters. Such a society can minimize damage and make swift restoration efforts following disasters. The Kumamoto area is prone to natural disasters. Lately, for instance, the Northern Kyushu Heavy Rain Disaster in July 2012 hit Kumamoto, and the Kumamoto Earthquake in April 2016 inflicted enormous damage to all Kumamoto areas. Other serious disasters which threaten Kumamoto in the coming years include record-breaking heavy rains, mega-typhoons, a Nankai Trough Earthquake, and an eruption of the Aso Volcano. In order to protect human life from the risk presented by these disasters, it is important to strengthen the disaster management system in society.
Our laboratory supports the establishment of a disaster risk mitigation society in Kumamoto by providing study, and by developing technology to protect against and reduce the risk of disasters and applying the results of our knowledge and research to aid society. We also provide disaster management education to various people. To make our program more effective, we cooperate with local citizens, schools, municipalities, meteorological observatories, social welfare councils, museums, geoparks, and local stakeholders – all of whom are involved with the programs of disaster mitigation.
2-39-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi, 860-8555 JAPAN
Kumamoto University Kurokami South Campus Kurokami South C2 426
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