In our laboratory, we have researchers in the hydrogeologic field who analyze physical aspects of water such as flow rate, specialists who assess water environment, agricultural engineers who study the relationship between water and agriculture, sanitary engineers who study biological processes of water, and researchers who study the relationship between water and material circulations which leads to biological production.
The water circulation system in Kumamoto is standing on the collaboration with surface water and groundwater flows from Mt. Aso to the Ariake Sea maintaining a fine balance with agricultural activities.
The research on the groundwater circulation is promoted under the cooperation of researchers from various fields, expertise, and findings.
Unlike surface water, we cannot see the flow, the amount, or changes in groundwater easily. Furthermore, it is not easy to collect groundwater to examine the quality. Digging wells is costly, so when we sample water, we cannot help but depend on the existing wells provided for drinking water, which are controlled by municipalities. That is to say, when we promote research of groundwater circulation, we need to acquire cooperation from municipalities and local citizens.
We believe that our laboratory does not only contribute to academic fields, but we also make contributions to the local citizens and society. We believe such a contribution is one of our missions.
Yasunori Kawagoshi Professor
Water Environment
Kei Ishida Associate Professor
Hiroaki Ito Assistant Professor
Water Environment
Terunori Ohmoto Project Professor
Doctor of engineering
River engineering
Tsugihiro Watanabe Project Professor
(-Mar 2022)
Visiting Professor
(Apr 2022-)
Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
2-39-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi, 860-8555 JAPAN
Kumamoto University Kurokami South Campus Kurokami South C2 316
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