Kumamoto University

Center for Water Cycle Marine Environment and Disaster Management

Kunamoto University

marine sciense


Contents of Education and Research

Yasuhisa Henmi
Center for Marine Environment Studies
Professor, Analysis of Bioresources and Biodiversity, Center for Marine Environment Studies (2003~)

Activities in Academic Societies

Chairman, Natural Environment Conservation Committee of the Japanese Association of Benthology,
Member, Expert Committee on Nature Conservation of the Ecological Society of Japan
Member, Expert Committee of Ecology Management of the Ecological Society of Japan

Research Fields: Animal Ecology, Fishery Biology, Conservation Biology

Contents of Research

(1) Research on reproduction, ecology and parasitism of benthic animals.
We conduct research on the attributes of life history, reproduction, feeding and the relations between hosts and parasites of crustaceans and shellfishes in coastal areas.Recently we are studying the reproductive behavior of fiddler crabs, the life history and resource management of the hamaguri clam, and the population dynamics of the amphioxus.

Courtship of fiddler crab

(2) Research, analysis and management of the resource decrease of fishery species
For a sustainable fishery, we develop resource management and cultivation technologies, mainly in bivalves, e.g. hamaguri clams and tairagi fan shells.

Hamaguri clams of Kumamoto Prefecture

(3) Conservation, regeneration and reproduction of the habitat of benthic animals.
For the conservation of tidal flats and saline wetlands, we research the life history and the population dynamics of benthic animals, one of the most important species in these habitats.

In addition to studying the regeneration and reproduction in habitats, we also study the artificial breeding of benthic animals.

Hamaguri clams of Kumamoto Prefecture
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Center for Water Cycle, Marine Enviroment and Disaster ManagementMarine Science Laboratory

2-39-1 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi, 860-8555 JAPAN
Kumamoto University Kurokami South Campus Kurokami South C7 (Academic Commons Kurokami Bldg. 3) 612
